my fashioneyes

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Young designers make Ryerson proud!

Posted by myfashioneyes on 03/24/2009

The LG TFW09 has already come and gone, and at such a pace that if you blinked-you may have missed it. I felt like a night creature, as I found myself under the tent and inside the ultra chic constant cocktail party in Nathan Phillips Square. Only emerging for a coffee boost would I realize my newly accustomed allergy to the sun, squinting and shielding my eyes as if it were first time I saw light. Regardless, Friday was quite a hectic day as it marked the finale of the 2009 TFW. Commencing with recognized Ryerson Fashion Design graduates Kat Marks, David Chou, Sarah Duke, Dayna Phillips, Sidney Holloway and Heidi Ackerman who all delivered both fabulous collections, but also the reminder that designers must start somewhere, and with support and exposure, the opportunities for success are endless.Sarah Duke’s men were dressed in casual coats and khakis in earthy browns and beiges with an occasional pop of red. I wasn’t too fond of the slippers they wore, they were a little too fuzzy and not enough man-ly for my liking, however they looked unbelievably comfortable, so perhaps jealously has got the best of me..       

My favourite of the Ryerson grads is split between two designers: Heidi Ackerman and Sidney Holloway (right).

Ackerman’s collection was refreshing and unique as she played with sweater dresses using odd shapes, cuts, patterns and accents. I especially like the green turtle neck sweater piece with the bird print. Even though it’s lack of arms resembles a straightjacket- I am drawn to its warm and cozy material but more so to the flirty length of it as it barely covers the models cheeks.  

Holloways collection seemed to be based on sultry Parisian fashion of furs, silk and sex appeal.  I adore the French and their sophisticated feminine style, and Holloways ability to capture the delicacy of the Parisian style is phenomenal. Je t’aime.  

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